[ | Suche | Alternativ Version | Frame Version ]
JP1: | open (default)
| Close if you installed the LCS-8634 in a PC system with Suntac
JP2: | Setting DMA channel
| 5656
| +-+- DMA 5
| 5656
| -+-+ DMA 6
| all open (default)
JP3: | Interrupt settings
JP4: | closed if Bootprom installed
SW1 : Setting Base Memory and BASE I/O Addresses
(*=UP, -=DOWN)
Swiches Base Memory Address
------- -------
***** C000H
****- C200H
***-* C400H
***-- C600H
**-** C800H (default)
**-*- CA00H
**--* CC00H
**--- CE00H
*-*** D000H
... usw.
Die Liste ist binaer geordnet, d.h. der Bereich
ist bis F200H einstellbar und berechenbar.
Swiches Base I/O Setting
--- ------
*** 300H (default)
**- 320H
*-* 340H
*-- 360H
-** 380H
-*- 3A0H
--* 3C0H
--- 3E0H
Copyright © by Stefan Braunstein (stefan@braunstein.de)
Letzte Aktualisierung am 1. November 1998